July 2015 Letter DONATE NOW
Our planting program is mostly complete and maintenance is now a top priority. We are asking for a $30 donation again this year. There is some minor winter damage to replace and a fresh layer of mulch (provided by the City) will be applied this summer. We enjoyed the hillside Tulip display this spring and look forward to the Black-Eyed Susan show this fall! The poppies didn’t do so well and were replaced with hardy and colorful perennials.
Longer term, we’re working with the City to eventually replace the clusters of multi-stem flowering trees scattered throughout the median. We have started setting aside funds to augment what the City will cover to maintain the grove appearance as existing trees succumb to age/disease.
Neighbors are reminded to adhere to City policy and place brush on the address side of their property for pick-up. Try to time your brush placement to coincide with the pick-up dates, which are July 20, Aug 17, Sept 21 and Oct 19.
The Foundation board is changing. Connie Thullen will be retiring from the board and Bob Walters will be replacing her as President. Christopher Naese remains Vice President and Todd Henning will be Secretary/Treasurer. We’d like to recognize Connie for her contributions and passion; she’s been the catalyst to help transform the median into a showcase for horticulture and an important asset to the community. We wish her well.
Thank you for your continued financial support and a shout out to the Aintree Community Association and Townhome of Fox Chase for their support as well. Let us know if you would like to get involved – we’re always looking for input to help guide our efforts.