Fox Chase Boulevard Median Transformation
A group of volunteer homeowners launched a grass roots effort to rescue Fox Chase Boulevard, the lovely winding gateway to our homes and schools, from invasive weeds, overgrown and unsightly shrubs, and trees in poor health. In the face of dwindling local budgets and a general unwillingness to add to tax bills, this caring group of neighbors took action in 2010 to formalize their efforts by creating the Fox Chase Boulevard Median Foundation for the sole purpose of preserving and renovating the unique and beautiful gateway to our community, all in partnership with the City of St Charles. In the years since, a transformation of the median has been accomplished!
See the pictures below for the vivid reminder of the way it was, before the collective efforts and donations from so many helped transform the median. Click here if you would like to contribute to the Median Foundation's efforts to maintain and improve the boulevard.